Jan 242011

Well, what a weekend!

The Coleshill Uncovered project really lived up to its name and delivered.

Over the weekend more than 30 people gave up their time to help survey an area of woodland within the Coleshill estate and they were not disappointed by what they found.

Bases of Nissen huts were uncovered and some were much larger than expected. There were many small finds like fired cartridges as well as personal items like boot polish and even a cap from a toothpaste tube.

An unexpected find was a 2 inch mortar round which turned out to be live resulting in a bomb disposal team being called in to remove it.

CART member Peter Antill also found a bayonet still in it’s leather scabbard. (See Image)

All the findings of the weekend will now be painstakingly documented and a full report will be written up and presented to the National Trust in the near future.

You can stay in touch with this project by adding your name to the list here

CART would like to thank all participants and the National Trust for allowing this event to take place.